
The project aims at studying and modelling the secondary effects of the Antarctic Ozone hole (OSE - Ozone Secondary Effects). OSE are responsible for sudden drops on the stratospheric Ozone concentration that may reach subtropical latitudes, exposing densely populated areas to important Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. 

OSE are formed when the the Ozone-depleted air masses over the Antarctic polar vertex are deformed and detached, migrating therefore to lower latitude areas. 

These events are regularly observed by in situ and satellite measurements, presenting a seasonal behaviour due to the dynamics of the atmosphere and the natural Ozone production and destruction cycle. However, several factors impacting the OSE like the preponderant air masses and eventual interactions with the terrain are not detailed enough.

CAPES-Cofecub is an international collaboration program between Brazil and France. The MESO project was approved for a 4-years term, starting in 2017.



At the end of this project we expect to contribute with more precise atmospheric models capable of detailing the interaction between several isentropic levels in the stratosphere, but also provide numerical tools that can forecast the occurence of OSE from the analysis of historical data. Hence, the MESO gathers Brazilian and French researchers with complementary expertises: meteorologists and geophysics working on the stratospheric Ozone transportation problem, as well as computer scientists with strong skills in Big Data, Data mining and Deep Learning.



Affiliate Institutions, Laboratories and Project Coordinators

  • Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil - Prof. Damaris Kirsch Pinheiro
  • Université de la Réunion, France - Prof. Hassan Bencherif
  • Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France - Prof. Luiz Angelo Steffenel
    • LICIIS, Laboratoire d'Informatique en Calcul Intensif et Image pour la Simulation
  • Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará - Prof. Lucas Vaz Peres





  • angelo.steffenel AT univ-reims.fr